Is a Pigeon Infestation Hurting Your Business?


Pigeons are such a familiar presence in the city that it can be easy to forget what pests they are. If you notice pigeons hanging around your building, it could mean that the birds are roosting nearby. This could be a major problem for your business. Here are some of the ways in which having an unresolved pigeon infestation could hurt your business’s reputation:


Pigeon droppings lead to property damage.

Pigeons might look harmless, but they can actually cause serious damage to your property. Pigeon droppings are so acidic that they can leave behind permanent stains on vehicles. Pigeons tend to flock to roofs, where they can cause damage that over time can lead to leaking and general instability. They can also damage gutters, drains, and solar panels.


Pigeons are a health hazard.

As friendly as the pigeon might look, it’s important not to get too close. These birds carry dangerous diseases such as bronchiolectosis. While you’re unlikely to come into direct contact with pigeons very often, the birds can spread germs and viruses through their droppings and feathers. Thus, professional pigeon removal is essential for protecting the health of yourself, your employees, and your customers.


Pigeons make your property look unclean.

Think of all the time you have spent making your property look as clean and sanitary as possible for customers. All of that time will be wasted if you allow pigeons to take up residence on your property. Pigeons have a well-earned reputation for unsanitariness, and they bring that reputation with them wherever they go. If you want to preserve your business’s image, you need to ensure that pigeons are nowhere near your building.


If your Tucson or Phoenix area business has a pigeon infestation, it’s time to call in the professionals. Premier Pigeon Control uses modern methods and state-of-the-art equipment to keep these pests away from your building. We proudly serve customers throughout Southern Arizona. If you’d like to get a free estimate on your pigeon removal job, call our office today. For Tucson, call (520) 882-0078 and for Phoenix, call (480) 437-4093.