If one pigeon is a pest, multiple pigeons are a full-fledged infestation. Unfortunately, pigeons aren’t just irritating to have on your property—they’re also a serious potential health hazard. If you’ve got pigeons nesting near—or even inside—your building, it’s essential that you find qualified pest control as soon as possible. When your pigeon problem has put you in a bind, it’s time to call on Premier Pigeon Control.

Our Pigeon Abatement Services
What’s the best way to remove a pigeon? The answer isn’t as simple as catching the pigeon and removing it from the premises. Pigeons leave smells behind that attract other pigeons, which means that you may need to do more than remove the pigeons that are already on your property in order to handle a pigeon infestation. The best solution is to take effective steps to prevent pigeons from nesting on or near your property in the future. Our abatement services include:
  • Screening. Pigeons love to build nests in small, inconspicuous places around your house or apartment building. Some of their favorite nesting spots include window eaves, attic spaces, and air conditioning units. Professional wire screening is the best way to prevent pigeons from getting into these smaller spaces.
  • Netting. Pigeons also won’t hesitate to invade larger areas, such as rooftops, larger window eaves, and the ceilings of warehouses and other big buildings. Sealing off these places from pigeon invasions is a trickier matter, and screening won’t be sufficient. Wire netting is the most effective way to exclude the pests from entering. Since it is backed up by a 10-year guarantee from the manufacturer, you can count on your netting serving you well for a long time to come.
  • Waste cleaning. Before we abate any part of your property using screening or netting, we will first thoroughly clean up the entire space. This includes cleaning and sanitizing all surfaces, removing feathers and other waste left by the birds, and restoring the area to its original appearance as much as possible.
  • Solar panel abatement.

About Premier Pigeon Control
Whether you’re a homeowner or a business owner, Premier Pigeon Control can attend to all of your pigeon problems in short order. We provide comprehensive pigeon removal and abatement services to customers throughout Phoenix, Tucson, Maricopa, and surrounding Arizona cities. When you work with our experienced pest removal team, you can depend on us to get rid of pigeons for good. If you have any questions for us, feel free to contact us today at (520) 882-0078 or schedule a free estimate online.