3 pigeons on top of building

Where Do Pigeons Sleep?


You see pigeons flying around throughout the day. You probably even see them walking around on the ground. But where do they go at night? If you’ve ever wondered where pigeons go to sleep, you’re definitely not alone. Keep reading for a look at where pigeons sleep and what they do when the sun goes down:

Pigeons don’t sleep in their nests.

If you had to guess where birds sleep at night, you might say their nests. It’s not a bad guess, but it’s not correct. Birds only use their nests to keep their eggs and newly-hatched babies warm, secure, and safe, but birds do not sleep in their nests once the sun sets. Once nesting season ends, nests become leftover messes covered in droppings—and it doesn’t take long for these messes to start attracting predators. Birds don’t use their nests after the season ends, and they certainly don’t sleep in them.

Pigeons look for safe and warm places to sleep.

Because pigeons don’t sleep in their nests, they need to find other locations to spend the night and get some rest. Pigeons look for shelters that will keep them warm throughout the night while also protecting them from predators. They often find this shelter on roofs of homes and other buildings. If you find that birds are sleeping on or near your home or business, it probably means they have a food source nearby or have found a suitable breeding place. Sleeping birds eventually wake up, and they leave droppings behind when they do. This is why it’s important to call for help when you notice birds sleeping, or roosting, on or near your home or business.

Are you tired of dealing with pigeons around your home or business? If so, you can contact Premier Pigeon Control today. We offer a variety of services to help you get rid of pigeons and their waste while also preventing them from coming back in the future. You can get more information about our services or schedule an appointment by calling us in Phoenix at (480) 437-4093 or in Tucson at (520) 882-0078.