4 Pigeon Nightmares That Will Go Down in History as the Absolute Worst


You’re finally coming home from a long day at work. All you want to do is kick off your shoes and relax. But you can’t. Why? Because you’re dealing with a PIGEON NIGHTMARE!

You’re working hard to maintain an inviting business. You want to make customers feel comfortable and invited. But then you notice something driving them all away—a PIGEON NIGHTMARE!

Whether it’s at home or at work, dealing with a pigeon problem is never easy. This type of problem can quickly turn your dream home or business into a nightmare, so it’s important to find a pigeon removal company as soon as possible. These professionals have the proper tools and training to find the source of your problem and discover the right solution, allowing you to keep birds away from your residential or commercial space. With the right services and planning, you’ll be able to avoid pigeon nightmares like these:

Gordon Ramsay’s Kitchen Pigeon Nightmare

Chicken might be a common dish in many different restaurants, but pigeon is one bird you should never find when you go out to eat. Unfortunately, that’s just what Gordon Ramsay discovered when he visited a restaurant for a 2011 episode of his show Kitchen Nightmares. While inspecting the kitchen, Ramsay discovered almost too many problems to count—which certainly isn’t unusual when it comes to his show. Ramsay commonly finds expired food and meats being stored at improper temperatures. But one thing that made this particular restaurant stand out was the pigeon flying around the kitchen. We only saw one pigeon, but that is one pigeon too many for the inside of any restaurant—and who knows how many more birds might have been hiding inside other parts of the restaurant? Pigeons already present enough problems when they’re found outside of a restaurant, but the thought of food being cooked with a pigeon flying nearby— well, that’s one pigeon nightmare we never want to encounter!    


The Hyatt Place Edmonton’s Serious Pigeon Problem

Staying at a hotel should be a fun, comfortable, and luxurious experience. While some hotels go the extra mile to make their guests feel as relaxed and catered to as possible, others don’t do so well in the hospitality department. One example is the Hyatt Place Edmonton. This hotel opened in downtown Edmonton, Alberta in 2016 but failed a health inspection in August of 2018. Why did the hotel fail? It was infested with pigeons and their droppings. Picture this: you’re staying at a luxurious downtown hotel, expecting only the best—only to find out that you’ve been breathing in pigeon poop-infested air throughout your entire stay. The Hyatt hotel brand wasn’t too happy about these findings, and they cut ties with the downtown Edmonton location on September 14, 2018. This is just one more case where pigeon problems came with serious consequences.


Pigeon Poop Technology in New York Subways

New York is famous for many things—cab rides, diners, a bustling downtown scene, subways, and of course, pigeons. Even if you’ve never visited this city yourself, you’ve probably heard about the pigeon problems people constantly face when trying to get from one part of New York to another. For many NY residents and visitors, the most frustrating pigeon interactions happen in subway stations. People often find themselves trying to avoid pigeons and cover themselves so they don’t get pooped on while trying to make their way home or to work. In fact, the problem with pigeons and their poop got so bad that in 2013, the city started implementing technology to help keep pigeons away from subway stations.   


Residential Storage Room and Patio Nightmare

You might see a few pigeons around your home’s exterior and think it’s no big deal—but a small issue can quickly turn into a large pigeon nightmare. Here at Premier Pigeon Control, we’ve seen a wide variety of problems in both residential and commercial settings. One of the worst cases we’ve seen involved a storage room and patio outside of a customer’s house. When the pigeon problem started, the homeowner had no idea what to do. The birds were attracted to her home because there was an exterior door that would not close all the way. She thought she could just ignore the birds and they would eventually go away. Unfortunately, this was not the case. Instead of the pigeons going away, more showed up, which meant more pigeon droppings on this woman’s property. After about a year, she finally decided to call us. We inspected the property and came up with a solution for cleaning the bird droppings and keeping pigeons away for good.



If you’re ready to wake up from your pigeon nightmares, Premier Pigeon Control can help! We specialize in residential and commercial pigeon removal and other services, including waste removal and solar panel care. No matter how big your pigeon problem is, we can help you find the right solution to protect your home or business. For service in Phoenix, contact us at (480) 437-4093. If you’d like service in Tucson, you can reach us at (520) 882-0078.