Pigeons splashing in a puddle by a red car

Do You Need to Call a Professional?


As a business owner, it’s your job to keep an eye on your business. Maintaining a clean and inviting space is important for building a better reputation and following regulations, but there are a lot of tasks you won’t be able to handle on your own. Taking care of pigeon problems might be one of these tasks—but how can you tell? Keep reading to see if it’s time to call a professional for commercial pigeon services:

There are a lot of pigeons around. A LOT of pigeons.

It’s normal to see a few pigeons flying around or even spending some time on the ground around your commercial property from time to time. But if you start seeing a lot of pigeons around, then it’s definitely time to contact a professional. Pigeons attract more pigeons, and leaving them alone can result in a much larger problem.

There are always pigeon droppings in the parking lot.

Your business might be inside, but the parking lot is also an important part of your physical location. If this area is constantly covered in pigeon droppings, then these pests are probably spending a lot of time on parking lot light posts. A professional can help you prevent pigeons from gathering on posts.

There are nests around the property.

Do you constantly find bird nests around your business’ building? If so, it’s definitely time to call a professional. Even if you don’t find nests, you might have a pigeon problem if you start seeing more twigs, leaves, branches, and other materials around than you normally see, as these materials are commonly used to create nests. Working with a professional can help you get rid of pigeons that are on your property and prevent other pigeons from coming around.

If you’re in need of commercial pigeon services for your business, you can find what you’re looking for with Premier Pigeon Control! Our commercial services include pigeon waste removal, trapping, abatement, and more. If your business is located in Tucson, you can call us at (520) 882-0078 to learn more. If your business is in Phoenix, give us a call at (480) 437-4093 to get started.