Two pigeons standing next to each other

How Pigeons Can Damage Commercial Property


Having pigeons around your commercial property is certainly an annoyance, but did you know that they could also be causing damage? In addition to bothering customers and staff alike and creating the impression that your business is unclean, pigeons can cause serious damage to your structure and outdoor space. If you’re experiencing a pigeon infestation at your business, here are some of the types of damage that they may be doing to your property.

Clogged Gutters

You may think that birds like to build their nests in trees, and while that may be their preferred location, pigeons are perfectly happy to make your gutters their home. That means that they will carry leaves, straw, and other materials to your gutters, while leaving behind feathers and other debris. When it rains, these materials can easily cause clogs in your gutters, preventing the water from draining away from your property. If this is an issue at your commercial property, your pigeon control company may recommend gutter screens.

Corrosive Droppings

Pigeon droppings are unattractive and unsanitary. They can easily scare customers away, who see your business as dirty because of an accumulation of droppings. In addition to potentially containing diseases, pigeon droppings also contain a high level of uric acid. In fact, pigeon droppings on your roof can cause corrosion to your roof shingles and may eat away at the tar on your roof. Droppings can be dangerous to clean up without the proper equipment, so if you have an issue, leave the work to the professionals.

Clogged Chimneys

When pigeons skip your gutters, they may decide to build their nests in chimneys on your commercial property. These nests can interfere with air flow and force carbon monoxide into your property if you start a fire with a nest in the chimney.If you have pigeons on your commercial property, let Premier Pigeon Control help. We are experienced in helping residential and commercial property owners overcome pigeon infestations quickly and effectively. For help with pigeon control in Tucson, call (520) 882-0078 and for help in Phoenix, call (480) 437-4093 for more information.