Cartoon pigeon and CD

Inside the Mind of a Pigeon


Calling someone a “bird brain” is an insult to their intelligence, but have you ever wondered about what really goes on inside a bird’s brain? When it comes to pigeons, it might seem like all they think about is where to nest, where to eat, and where to poop (come to think of it, it seems like a lot of animals only think about those three things!)—but the truth is a little more complex!

Pigeon Smarts

These birds are actually known for being quite intelligent. Studies show that pigeons have an understanding of space and time, that they can differentiate between real English words and nonsense words, and that they are possibly able to share and build on knowledge from other pigeons. They have also long been used for their homing abilities, another interesting characteristic not necessarily seen in other birds.

Pigeon Behaviors

Okay, so pigeons aren’t so stupid after all, but why do they like houses and commercial buildings so much? One of the biggest reasons why pigeons build nests on homes and businesses instead of sticking to trees is easier access to food sources. If your home or business is located near a place where pigeons like to eat, then they’re likely to start building a nest there. They also like these spaces because they provide better protection from predators—would you rather deal with a predator constantly trying to kill you, or a homeowner who just seems kind of annoyed to see you?

Pigeon Problems

Your home or business is inviting to guests and customers, but if it’s also inviting to pigeons, then you’ve got pigeon problems! It’s important to contact a professional company and learn about pigeon control services. These professionals will be able to remove any pigeons that are currently on your property and find a solution to prevent them from coming back.


Premier Pigeon Control can help you get inside the mind of the pigeons behind your pigeon problem! Our pigeon control services are designed for both residential and commercial properties, making it easy to keep your home or business clean, safe, and attractive. Learn more about pigeon control services by calling us in Phoenix at (480) 437-4093 or in Tucson at (520) 882-0078. You can also get in touch by filling out our online form.