Spotlight on Histoplasmosis: A Pigeon-Related Disease


One of the biggest health risks associated with pigeon infestations is histoplasmosis. The fungal spores that cause this infection are found in pigeon droppings, and they can easily spread through the air and enter the ventilation systems of homes and commercial buildings, putting everyone inside at risk. Histoplasmosis is another reason that you shouldn’t clean up pigeon droppings on your own and always leave pigeon abatement and cleanup to professionals. Here is what you need to know about this potentially dangerous, pigeon-related disease and why pigeon removal in Tucson is so important.

What is histoplasmosis?

Histoplasmosis is an infection caused by Histoplasma capsulatum fungus. These spores are very light, so they float easily through the air and are reintroduced to the air over and over again when the surfaces on which they land are jostled. This kind of fungus is extremely prevalent in pigeon droppings, which contain the dampness and richness of organic matter that the fungus needs to thrive.

What are the symptoms of histoplasmosis?

In the cases of a mild infection, there may not be any symptoms. In other cases, fever, headache, muscle aches, dry cough, and chest discomfort are common. In some cases, joint pain and rashes may also develop. If the infection becomes chronic, weight loss can occur. Severe histoplasmosis cases affect every organ in the body, from the skin to the liver, and are fatal if left untreated. This kind of infection is rare and occurs most often in babies and people with compromised immune systems.

How can I avoid histoplasmosis?

Histoplasmosis cannot be spread from person to person and is only contracted when fungal spores are inhaled. If you have a pigeon infestation, instead of trying to clean the waste yourself, hire a professional pigeon abatement company that knows how to safely remove the droppings and prevent the birds from returning. They can also help you understand if you need to get your air ducts cleaned or perform any other maintenance to protect yourself and your family.At Premier Pigeon Control, our experienced team of pigeon abatement experts can help you eradicate infestations for good. We provide service to residential and commercial properties. For pigeon removal in Tucson, call (520) 882-0078, or call (480) 437-4093 in Phoenix.